Premio Frankó Gumicentrum Kft.




A tire’s function is to reliably transmit the propelling and steering forces to the road and to absorb all impacts acting upon your vehicle driving on an uneven surface. Tires have a very significant impact on the safety, reliability and ride comfort of your vehicle.


Exhaust systems

The exhaust system’s function is to safely remove hot exhaust fumes from the engine’s combustion chamber outside of the vehicle. It also reduces the noise generated inside the combustion chamber. The exhaust system’s integrated catalytic converter changes noxious substances present in the exhaust fumes to substances which are almost harmless to health.


Shock absorbers

Ride comfort, good handling and vehicle control are significantly influenced by shock absorbers. Their function is to rapidly absorb wheel vibrations and prevent the vehicle’s axle from vibrating.



Effective and safe braking depends on an optimal coordination of all components of the modern braking system. A worn out or damaged part may disturb the functioning of the entire system and endanger you and other road traffic participants.



A dysfunctional battery will completely paralyze your vehicle. Come to us, we’ll replace it for you!



Premio recommends that you have your air-conditioning system thoroughly checked at least once a year.


Tire storage

When replacing tires on your vehicle, we will be pleased to keep them in storage out-of-season in our storage facility. This service includes checking the tires’ condition, measuring the tread residual thickness in mm, correctly storing the set of tires (including wheel rims), registering them and issuing them to an authorized person.  


Checking wheel alignment

On our modern equipment we can measure accurately and rectify any deviations.


Oil change

We’ll give your vehicle’s engine exclusively a high-quality brand name oil at an excellent price!


Windshield repair

A crack in the windshield reduces your safety. We will professionally repair cracks in the windshield.
